
Back in the spring of this year, the Bundestag debated a motion submitted by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group entitled "Finanzierung des Politischen Islamismus in Deutschland offenlegen und unterbinden" ("Disclosing and Stopping the Financing of Political Islamism in Germany") (20/1012).

Category: Allgemein, Conference, News

During the 27th DAVO Congress EZIRE Director, Prof. Mathias Rohe received the award for his achievements in the implementation of Islamic Theology in Germany, jointly offered by the Institute for Islamic Theology at the University of Osnabrück (Institut für Islamische Theologie IIT) and the Scientif...

Category: Conference, Events, News

On 28 January 2012, a joint online event of the Islam Advice in Bavaria (Islamberatung in Bayern) and the Erlanger Center for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE) took place. At the Islamberatung in Bayern, a hospital received a request for advice for a patient order for Muslims. Although there are sp...

Category: Conference, Events, News, Research