Round Table on “Patient Order for Muslims”

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On 28 January 2012, a joint online event of the Islam Advice in Bavaria (Islamberatung in Bayern) and the Erlanger Center for Islam and Law in Europe (EZIRE) took place.

At the Islamberatung in Bayern, a hospital received a request for advice for a patient order for Muslims. Although there are specific patient orders for different groups, e.g. for Christians or humanists, there are not yet specific patient orders for Muslims. The Round Table was aimed at scientists from various disciplines, physicians, nursing staff, volunteers in clinics, hospices or nursing services, specialists in the field of patient and family counselling, Muslim organisations as well as affected Muslims and their relatives.

The topic was dealt with in 2 specialist lectures on the reasons for a Muslim patient order and the current legal status in Germany. Four working groups deepened the topic from legal, Islam-theological, medical-care perspectives as well as the perspectives of patients and relatives.

A second round table on “Patient’s Order for Muslims” will take place in cooperation with the Academy for Islam in Science and Society (AIWG) on 1 July 2021. The focus will then be on discussing practical implementation options for a patient order for Muslims.