Hüseyin Çiçek on the expulsion of IS-fighters from Turkey

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Quelle: Vorarlberger Nachrichten

In the Vorarlberger Nachrichten on November 12 Hüseyin Çiçek, associated EZIRE-member and political scientist, spoke about the expulsion of foreign IS-fighters from Turkey.

He views the actions of the Turkish government as a reaction to the European critique on the military operation in Syrian and as an act  of political vanity.

„With this step Turkey points out, that many jihadists from Europe have fought in Syria, and presents the concerned countries with a fait accompli.“

The new alliance between Turkey and Russia, who agreed in the end of October upon a joint control of the Syrian-Turkish borderland, enabled the Turkish president Erdoğan to enforce his power political interests and to get rid of the jihadists quickly, according to Çiçek.